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Ohana fun!

Join Patricia for a VIRTUAL STORY TIME here every month as we share classic tales, books from around the world, and some creative, new stories.


This page will also feature tips and articles on raising a reader and ways to make reading together as a family fun. From toddlers to teens, you'll find fabulous book suggestions for your next trip to the bookstore or library and fun educational activities based on your favorite stories. 


We hope you will contribute your own ideas and share how your family embraces books everyday. Our reading ohana is as big as our imaginations and everyone is welcome!

A little Keala fun...


Book Picks

There is nothing better than reading together as a family. And when the world challenges us and we are longing for some simpler times, classic tales are comforting to share.

These old favorites go back as far as the 1940s and are great for cuddling up with little ones and reading aloud with older children.

"Dad... what is an outhouse?"

Stories set in a different time are full of things we aren't familiar with. But the odd things or different language that we find inside the pages, encourages further learning. Be prepared for a few questions!


Look for these timeless tales at your local library or bookstore.

Children's Storybook

The Little House

by Virginia Lee Burton

A charming picture book written in 1942, it tells the story of a little country cottage that watches the seasons pass from its spot on the hill. Years later when urban sprawl surrounds the little house, the original owner’s great-granddaughter is determined to return the house to the countryside.

Frog & Toad

by Arnold Lobel


This series was first published in 1970 and is still as popular today. The silly and always comical adventures of Frog and his best friend, Toad are sure to have your beginning reader giggling while improving their reading skills and confidence.

Judy's Journey

by Lois Lenski

A favorite since its publication in 1947, Judy's Journey is a great choice for first time novel readers or reading aloud as a family.The daughter of migrant farm workers, Judy longs to live in one place and have a real home ...and friends.This touching tale is sure to have middle grade readers engaged and fascinate curious young minds.

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